

The Truth Is Beyond Belief!

Some thoughts to make you think about the power of your thoughts…
American Reviews From ‘Online Book Club’ Reviewers

Post by That Reviewer » 18 July, 2021 – 4 out of 4 stars
The world is perfect as it is. However, our thoughts have made it imperfect. Our anger and guilt intrude on our present, and our fears and worries create imperfect images of what is to come. In our familiarity with our seeming reality, we have lost sight of the beauty of existence.
The layout of this book is impressive in the way it says so much with so few words, like a summation of evergreen thoughts. This makes it an easy and impactful read. Its beauty is in its simple clarifying thoughts.
Post by Shakiera Reece » 27 Feb, 2022 – 4 out of 4 stars
While some of the topics can be controversial, they are all enlightening. All these thoughts are deep and provide a mind-altering feeling in its readers. If you need to look at life from a different perspective, this is the perfect book to read.
The Truth Is Beyond Belief! is a very edifying book. The author pulled me into his thoughts and beliefs with just a few words. I liked that this book was not overly worded. The structure and language made this book quite impactful. The text flowed smoothly and looked very elegant. While reading, I felt like I was a more sophisticated person. I would recommend this book to open-minded persons who yearn to know the truth about life. The enlightenment that this book brings is second to none.

Post by Kimar Anderson » 28 Feb, 2022 – 5 out of 5 stars (on Amazon)
This is my first time reading a book that is so impactful using only a few words. The author opens our eyes and allow us to view life in a different light. I found this book a very enlightening one. The authors thoughts about the past, future and present are very intriguing. He states that most of our time is spent thinking about the past or the future which causes us to neglect the present moment. I would recommend this book to anyone who wishes to be enlightened.

Post by Nyavaloesther » 06 Mar, 2022 – 4 out of 4 stars
What I liked about this book, is that it offers valuable life lessons. There are so many great lessons from this book, and it was so exceptional to me because it teaches us to appreciate life. Jerry explains that life is a miracle. We face so many challenges every day and because of that, we end up complaining most of the time. But this book teaches us that we have to be grateful and appreciate life because the greatest miracle that one could get is to be alive, to exist, to breathe. Jerry speaks of how people are filled with so much anger from past events and fear of what will happen in the future. However, in reality, these emotions are not real until we decide to realize them. The past and the future are not real, the only thing that is real is the present. We have to live in the present. We should never miss out on the present by being too focused on the past or the future.
After reading this book, I recommend it to everyone who likes to read about life, open-minded enough to see life from a new perspective, a perspective introduced by this book. I would recommend this book to everyone interested in non-fiction books, also to everyone interested in poetry.

Post by Susan Gibbs » 10 Mar, 2022 – 4 out of 4 stars
Jerry Durr is the author of The Truth Is Beyond Belief! This book surprised me. It has ten chapters and is written like a poem with three to five words in a line. The gentle, soothing words flow and drift over the pages. Durr tries to get us back to basics. He encourages us to think from a different perspective. Read Durr’s book to discover more details about his perspective on thoughts and judgments and how illusions/beliefs imprison us.
What impressed me most was the format in which the text was presented. The words and ideas have maximum impact when you are forced to consider them one by one, surrounded by blank spaces. I liked the positive, enlightening message the book promotes. Durr’s words cascade over the pages and had me wanting to keep reading to find out what he was going to say next. His words are thought-provoking. Even though the topic is deep, it is an easy book to read.
I recommend this refreshing book to those who are prepared to re-evaluate the way they think about life and those interested in philosophy. God is mentioned in the book, so it is ideally suited to those who believe in God.

Post by Susan Gibbs »10 Mar, 2022 – 5 out of 5 stars (on Amazon)
The author presents his thoughts in the form of a poem with three to five words in a line. He encourages us to see life from a new perspective. The book is powerfully simple and complicated at the same time. He gives his opinion on why it is impossible to see God if we focus on the world, and discusses thoughts, beliefs, patterns, illusions, truth, anger, fear and happiness in wonderfully flowing words. I recommend this book to those interested in philosophy and religion.

Post by Korie ifeoma chisom » 15 Mar, 2022 – 4 out of 4 stars
We live out and experience our thoughts. These thoughts become our perceptions. Nothing can change our lives until we first change our thoughts. By dealing with our thoughts and perceptions, we deal with the challenges we face and the difficulties we encounter. You are not convinced? You are unsure of yourself and the power you wield in your thought realm? Do you seek further discussion on the subject matter? Do you want to know more about the interconnectedness of our thoughts? Then get the book! Read it! Study it! Digest its nuggets and surely you will find that which you search for.
The entire book is written in short prosy forms. The author in writing this book employs poetic license. He creatively crafts and designs words and phrases to convey the message he desires to pass across to the reader. It's easy to read nature underlies the message upheld on every page of the book. The words are written in bold artistic fonts. Captivating to the eye and engaging to the mind, the words never leave the reader. It reinforces the message and seems to come at the reader as ageless words. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and wished I could have more pages to read.

Post by Duke Nwador » 16 Mar, 2022 – 4 out of 4 stars
”Seek not to change the world, seek first to change the way you see the world". This quote I found, in the beginning, was what intrigued me to want to read the whole book instantly.
The Truth Is Beyond Belief: Some thoughts to make you think about the power of your thoughts by Jerry Durr is a book that reaches into the mind, explaining the power of our thoughts. There is another part of the book which says, "the greatest miracle that could ever happen to anyone has already happened to everyone". If you want to know what that miracle is, just grab this book once and for all and read it. So many words of wisdom made me rethink all I know about life and gave me a new angle of how I look at life now. The book made me simply see life. It took away all the complexity of the world and made it seem so easy. My perspective about life has changed for the better or maybe the best.
I did not find anything to dislike from the book, because I have gained more enlightenment. I feel I am wiser after reading this book because my perception of the world has changed. I will say, I am more optimistic about the world now, after reading this book.
I will say this book was professionally edited, therefore I am rating it 4 out of 4 stars. I recommend this book to all that want to be more enlightened about the world and human existence, and those that want to break out from their mental prison and live freely.

Post by Melisa Bousa » 24 Mar, 2022 – 4 out of 4 stars
Are you the type of person who enjoys reflecting on different social matters? Or life itself? The Truth is Beyond Belief! by Jerry Durr invites us to put deep thoughts on matters such as love, God, spirituality, existence, and more. The book is composed of 10 chapters. Each chapter is related to a specific topic, which is told by means of short phrases. Every phrase has the intention to make the reader come to a pause in order to reflect upon it and ask themselves what it truly means. This book is a journey to self-discovery, and its ultimate goal is to help readers achieve a balanced and positive life.

Post by Melisa Bouza » 01 Apr, 2022 – 5 out of 5 stars (on Amazon)
The Truth is Beyond Belief! is a book that invites the reader to stop and reflect on everyday topics such as love, spirituality, and God, among other topics. Through very short phrases per page, the author intents to express his journey toward the real truth behind human conceptions. It is definitely a book for those who find comfort in positive phrases, as well as those who seek meaningful phrases.

Post by Peter Abura/Agachop » 01 Apr, 2022 – 4 out of 4 stars
Jerry Durr's book The Truth Is Beyond Belief discusses how human thinking has created remarkable things, changing our perceptions of God and the world around us.
The book is simple to understand. In terms of my reading format, it has a lot of brief sentences on each page. The tone in which the author wrote this book is the most intriguing aspect of it. It has a motivational tone to it, as well as a poetry beat. It perfectly blends religion and philosophy in such a way that one can begin to think about the world in the way it was intended to be thought about. If I were invited to give a motivational speech today, I would take a lot of ideas from this book. It's a fantastic one. Now I realize that everything in life is mental. Pain is tangible, but suffering is entirely mental. Instead of concentrating on the present life, we are affected by thoughts about the past and worries about the future.
I am happy to award this book a perfect rating of 4 out of 4 stars. The book is entertaining, well-organized, and extremely well-edited, with no errors to be found. Thanks to Jerry for writing such a fantastic book.

Post by Peter derrick scribbles » 14 Apr, 2022 – 4 out of 4 stars
As human beings, we tend to question more about the existence and operability of things in our life but forget to acknowledge their transcendent beauty and pristine nature. The dire need to unmask the constituents of life impedes us from appreciating its value. The Truth Is Beyond Belief! by Jerry Durr is a profound book that demystifies this narrative with practical instances to substantiate the author's argument and reasoning. We ought to be grateful for the privileges we have such as life and breath. Jerry argues that life is extraordinary in itself. It is our subjective perception of the world that portrays it as ordinary.
If you are interested in gaining insight into the vastness and truthfulness of life, then this is the best 'stop-over' for you. The author extensively outlines the whole life cycle of man (both physically and intuitively) from the beginning to the end. Key aspects such as the patterns that hold his life, illusion, truth, free will, and destiny, and factors that influence his past, present, and future are discussed at great length in the subsequent chapters. Indeed, this was a great discourse about life and beliefs from the author.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in demystifying the truths and illusions about life and how to change your perspective towards life and its constituents.

Post by Nyambura Kar » 29 May, 2022 – 4 out of 4 stars
Have you ever had a deep reflection of your inner self? This book, The Truth Is Beyond Belief, can help you do that. It is written in a simple poetic way. It contains just a few pages with a few words, but the insight you get from reading it, is unmatched. In the book, Jerry Durr takes us on a journey within ourselves. He compares our brain to a device for storing, enacting, and feeling our thoughts and ideas. He shows how we use our thoughts to create feelings like fear, anger, and love. Anger and fear are as a result of focusing on the past while peace comes from focusing on the present. He emphasizes the need to look deep within ourselves and see what we really are. Our beliefs are what imprisons us.
I loved the fact that the author was able to summarize such a powerful message using just a few poems. The language used is so simple yet so deep. I have read many books, but this one spoke to my heart. I loved how the author used word play and comparisons to pass the message. I really enjoyed reading this book and found many tips that I will apply in my life. It has helped me to look at my life from a different perspective.

Post by Gabriela C 1 » 30 May, 2022 – 4 out of 4 stars
What if the most ordinary thing is one of the greatest miracles ever? Life. Existence. Jerry Durr reminds his readers of this in his book The Truth Is Beyond Belief! This book intends to open our eyes to the Truth: life is amazing and is only lived in the present. Jerry Durr uses the phrase “Cling tightly to the miracle that YOU ARE!” and I love it, I think it is the perfect summary of The Truth Is Beyond Belief!.
The world we see is not the real world, nor is it the same world the person standing next to us sees. The world, the people in it, and even ourselves are defined by our thoughts. We are often filled with anger and fear because we do not focus on life and the present, we just focus on the past (anger) and the future (fear). But the truth is, the past is only in our memory and the future is in our imagination, so they are not real.
I like the positivity and the constant reminder of the values this book has. I think that every reader can benefit from it, as we are often too fixed in negative thoughts to become grateful for the miracle of life. We tend to separate ourselves from others because of our perceptions and the thoughts that come with them. The truth is we are never alone, we cannot be separated from anyone or anything outside of our minds.
This book is amazing, I cannot say anything negative about it, is one of the most inspirational and life-changing books I have ever read.

Post by Eriny Youssef » 07 June, 2022 – 4 out of 4 stars
As someone who loves and actively searches for spiritual and philosophical ruminations, I was glad this small book came my way. The Truth Is Beyond Belief! is a collection of the author's deep thoughts about life, existence, and our truth. As he stated at the start of the book, those thoughts are a conclusion of the long, curious, and blessed life that he's had up until now. I believe this kind of disclosure is much needed nowadays.
My favorite thing about the book is the way it is organized. You can easily access a specific thought that left an impact on you whenever you need it. With the book being a collection of ruminations, it is expected that readers would want to revisit some or all of it. To this end, I believe the book's design guaranteed easy navigation for future visits. I also loved all the topics discussed in the book.
This book is perfect for those who spend a lot of time with their thoughts and ponder on philosophical ideas. It could be very insightful and delightful for those who believe they are on their spiritual journey.

Post by Ameesha Amee20 » 11 June, 2022 – 4 out of 4 stars
The Truth Is Beyond Belief! by Jerry Durr is not the average daily read that you can skim through and move on. This book talks about life, existence, universe, love, truth, destiny, perception, illusion, free will and so much more in an impactful manner that you will be forced to sit down and take time out of your life to reflect on the thoughts that you've just been inundated with.
The book is divided into ten chapters which are well structured and fall along in a certain chronological manner that there is never a dull moment between chapters. This book focuses on the unrealized power of living in the present. The author's take on past, present and, future is rather freshening. The author shares his thoughts on how we all have become prisoners of our very limited imaginations.
The writing style is something to admire about. The language is lucid; the paragraphs are short, assertive, and affirmative. The author has been successful in imparting his thoughts without them being lost in an array of words and phrases. It is almost a poetic read, which provides some mildness to an otherwise heavy perusal. This is the first non-fiction book I've ever read, and it has had me musing and contemplating such mundane things that I wouldn't have otherwise given a thought. This book leads the reader on a spiritual path.
This book is not a casual read. I would recommend this book to anyone who spends a lot of time on philosophical reflections and wants to dive deep into the understanding of life, the universe, and existence all around us.

Review of The Truth Is Beyond Belief!
[Following is a volunteer review of "The Truth Is Beyond Belief!" by Jerry Durr.]
"The Truth Is Beyond Belief!" by Jerry Durr is a book that offers a critical emphasis on how our thoughts shape our reality and suppress our ability to experience true peace and fulfillment. This book draws cognition from Eastern philosophical teachings and spirituality, presenting profound insights in a concise and accessible manner. This book, beyond other things, is a guide for those seeking to live in the present moment and understand the deeper truths of existence.
The author of this book delves into the concept that our minds, filled with thoughts and beliefs, often blind us to the true nature of reality and existence. The author gives life to extraordinary situations that we could easily tag as ordinary. Powerful tips for seeing our world more positively were revealed in this book. For example, by connecting with the source of creation and living mindfully, we can realize our potential as creators of our world. Read this book for more insights.
One amazing thing about this book was how the author encouraged readers to examine their thought patterns and let go of negativity. Through the author's inspiring writing, I took some time while reading to critically examine my thought process. This book's emphasis on personal empowerment and mindfulness, as regards our past, present, and future, was particularly impactful, promoting a more joyful and fulfilling way of living. I want to commend the author's writing style with respect to the font style and color. I loved it, and it was an incredible show of creativity. I was so drawn to the lessons and inspiration this book offered. The cover of this book was beautiful, and it gave me an indication that I was in for a spiritual yet knowledgeable book.
The author's message was very clear and simple to comprehend. After reading, I could not spot any dislikes or anything negative in this book. I appreciate the meticulous editing of this book, as I could not find any errors in it.
This book was worth its value, and with nothing to criticize, I will rate "The Truth Is Beyond Belief!" 5 out of 5 stars. I recommend this book to all lovers of nonfiction books and to all those who wish to embrace a more positive life.